Second Regular Session S.B. 1518
(Reference to printed bill)
Page 5, line 4, strike "QUARTERLY" insert "semiannual"; after "BASIS" insert "by september 30 for the period ending the prior June 30 and by March 31 for the period ending the prior December 31"
Between lines 4 and 5, insert:
"1. Success in meeting training requirements."
Renumber to conform
Line 8, strike the comma insert "by region.
Strike lines 11 through 15
Line 16, strike "1." insert "7."
Line 20, strike "2." insert "8."
Line 23, strike "3." insert "9."
Line 26, strike "4." insert "10."
Line 28, strike ". and as categorized by investigations that"
Strike lines 29 through 32, insert "and as categorized by investigations that resulted in:
(a) A substantiated report.
(b) A report currently proposed for substantiation.
(c) An unsubstantiated report."
Line 33, strike "5." insert "11."
Line 36, strike "6." insert "12."
Strike lines 39 and 40, insert:
"7. 13. The number of newborn infants delivered to safe haven providers pursuant to section 13‑3623.01."
Renumber to conform
Page 6, line 10, after "The" insert "total"; strike "and type"
Line 11, after the second "HOMES" insert ", the number of licensed community foster homes"
Line 12, strike "licensed and"; strike "those" insert "licensed community foster"
Line 16, strike "case managers" insert "licensing AGENCY REPRESENTATIVES"
Page 8, line 8, strike "22" insert "29"
Strike lines 10 through 22, insert:
"32. The source and use of federal monies in the department.
33. The source and use of state monies in the department.
B. C. Based on the data presented in each reporting period, the department, in as brief a format as possible, shall describe three to five major challenges the department faces in achieving the goal of safe, permanent homes for abused and neglected children.
C. D. Within three months after the end of each reporting period the department shall submit a written report in as brief a format as possible to the governor, the president of the senate, the speaker of the house of representatives, the chairperson of the house human services committee, the chairperson of the senate family services committee, or their successor committees, and the cochairpersons of the joint legislative committee on children and family services. The department shall submit a copy of the report to the secretary of state and the director of the Arizona state library, archives and public records."
Reletter to conform
Strike lines 25 through 30
Renumber to conform
Strike lines 33 through 40
Renumber to conform
Page 9, between lines 6 and 7, insert:
"7. The cost of services provided to kinship foster caregivers compared to the cost of out‑of‑home placements."
Renumber to conform
Page 9, between lines 9 and 10, insert:
"9. The total amount of money spent on the housing assistance program by region.
10. A programmatic and fiscal evaluation of the effectiveness of the housing assistance program that includes the amount of foster care expenditures avoided."
Lines 36 and 42, strike "C or E" insert "B or F"
Page 11, between lines 21 and 22, insert:
"H. If the legislature appropriates monies to the fund, the department shall make the following information available on the department's website:
1. The number and percentage of parents and guardians who are offered treatment paid for with fund monies and who complete treatment.
2. The number of children who CAN remain with or who are returned to the custody of a parent or guardian as a result of, in whole or in part, treatment paid for with fund monies and the number of cases in which this occurs.
3. The number of children who receive expedited permanent placement as described in subsection D of this section as a result of the availability of services paid for with fund monies."
Page 13, line 4, strike "C" insert "B"
Amend title to conform